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Tic-X products have been researched and designed to solve one core problem.  Tick bites can cause diseases such as Lyme Disease and others.

The problem of stopping tick bites is not a new one but technology is advancing and our knowledge of the species is growing.  What we know is that ticks onboard the body (human or animal) from the ground, usually in grassy areas.  We also know that ticks will crawl up and over clothing to reach fertile ground for biting, usually in the neck and head area.



Many years ago we believed that skin was designed to act like a shell, protecting us by repelling substances that would be harmful to our bodies.  We now know that our skin is an organ and it absorbs much of what it comes in contact with. 


This is true of these harsh chemicals that we spray on our skin.  The chemicals can be absorbed by our skin and enter the bloodstream.  Our skin is NOT a shell, it’s more like a sponge.

Not to mention that the spray on chemicals do not last very long which means you have to often reapply over and over again.



The black-legged tick (or deer tick, Ixodes scapularis) spreads the disease in the northeastern, mid-Atlantic, and north-central United States. The western black-legged tick (Ixodes pacificus) spreads the disease on the Pacific Coast.

Ticks can attach to any part of the human body but are often found in hard-to-see areas such as the groin, armpits, and scalp. In most cases, the tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours or more before the Lyme disease bacterium can be transmitted.

Most humans are infected through the bites of immature ticks called nymphs. Nymphs are tiny (less than 2 mm) and difficult to see; they feed during the spring and summer months. Adult ticks can also transmit Lyme disease bacteria, but they are much larger and are more likely to be discovered and removed before they have had time to transmit the bacteria. Adult Ixodes ticks are most active during the cooler months of the year.

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